Monday, May 4, 2009

Definitions of Architectural Engineering Design

The  Google-docs spreadsheet linked here presents the first batch of data from which I'll draw conclusions, starting with the paper I'll be giving at the ASEE Conference in June (6/16 2:15-4:00 - #2506: Beneficial Case Studies in AEC Education). 

It should be interesting to those who want to know what are the definitions of AE Design given by the faculty, and also what are the characteristics of the AE faculty.

What you'll find in the spreadsheet are:

AE Design Definitions - Gives all the definitions of AE Design associated by the University of the respondent. It also gives their comments if they felt that their definition was different either from their school's definition or the national definition. Finally, it gives the coding on 9 scales I developed.

Characteristics - Gives the summary of characteristics of the respondents and their mean scores on the coding of the definition of AE Design.

Interviews by Univ - Gives the number of oral interviews conducted at each university during my sabbatical visits.


I believe I've been very careful to remove any identifying information either directly or through cross reference, while attempting to leave the definitions as the respondents entered them as intact as possible.

If you find any means to identify yourself or another individual please let me know so I can correct the problem.